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Holy Fire® III Reiki & Raindrop Therapy Technique Bundle


The session is for 90 minutes total. We will start with the raindrop technique for 60 minutes and then 30 minutes of Reiki. This is a great bundle for grounding and spiritual nourishment.

Raindrop Therapy Technique

Raindrop Technique (essential oils) – This unique, spa-style treatment combines the targeted application of Young Living brand essential oils for both aromatic and topical benefits. You will remove your shoes and socks, undress to the hips, and lie face-down on a massage table, draped with a sheet and blanket. I will apply a series of specific essential oils to targeted energy centers on your feet and spine. The fragrance and energetic vibrations inherent in the oils will help to balance and harmonize your energies.

Holy Fire® III Reiki

Reiki is a gentle, noninvasive form of hands-on healing in which the practitioner rests her/his hands lightly on or just above the receiver’s fully clothed body, to conduct the universal life force (aka Spirit, Source, etc.) to enable your system to replenish its own vital energy (aka prana, chi, ki).

What might you experience during a session?

The experience of energy work varies from person to person, and even from session to session.  Many people report feeling heat, buzzing, or pulsations from my hands. Most people fall asleep, often quite rapidly.  Everyone feels deeply relaxed and comforted.  If you don’t feel any sensations of energy, don’t worry – Reiki always has a beneficial effect, whether you “feel” it or not. 

What you might experience after a session?

Energy healing and the raindrop technique is subtle, but profound.  It might leave you energized, or sleepy.  It can benefit your physically by relieving pain or loosening restrictions. It can help you energetically, by making you feel more grounded or centered or helping you sleep. It may even bless you spiritually, bringing up unresolved issues for clearing or inspiring new ideas, sparking your imagination, or enhancing your intuition, soothe and rejuvenate your body, and calm your mind.

“I see Alex for a combination of Reiki & raindrop therapy. The Reiki is a more spiritual experience, while the raindrop therapy is more grounding. Alex goes the extra mile to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. She is the real deal!”

— Satisfied Client