Adventures From the Future As an Apprentice Angel #1

During my meditation, I transported to the future.

It felt like the year 2100. I’m in my 30’s wearing a modern futuristic long structured wrap & pants in blue and silver. I’m in my current Frederick home standing with a young child. It seems I'm instructing the child how to open the window with its mind, but the child attempts and breaks it. I bend down, face the child and gently explain how to use more loving energy with grounded force to open the window. I get the sense that many children around elementary school age are more telekinetic.

Right now in the present moment we are learning to connect with ourselves and the divine first before we can attempt to move things with our mind. The foundation of alchemy must be built first before we can attempt advanced alchemy. To advance our telekinesis we have to start from scratch in this current time, my guides explain to me.

